Scotts, MI and Montgomery, AL Camp Meeting

Well its been a busy week in the Lord's work once again. God blessed at the revival there in Scotts, MI, we were able to visit with some friends from college as well as help a hurting church. Praise the Lord in the midst of being an encouragement and a blessing to the folks, there were about 10 people saved. God is so so good, no wonder the Devil has been fighting us soooo very hard.

We went to the other side of the US specturm moving from MI to AL. God granted us safety as we traveled to the Fannin Road Baptist Church Annual Camp Meeting hosted by Pastor Jim Lester. It was exciting each night as the singing groups prepared hearts for the messages preached each evening. There was a spirirt of anticipation of what God was going to do, that it made the enitre weekend very exciting. There was another preacher there named Bro. Rusty who we enjoyed getting to meet and fellowship with. Praise the Lord at the end of the week there about 8 souls that came to Christ. 

It has been great to see God so evident in the past 2 weeks especially watching around 30 to 40 kids, teens, and adults come to Christ. Thank you for holding us up in prayer!!