Burden Ministries

May Update

The dates are set!! Lord willing the Burden family will be at the Rio Grande Bible Institute starting January 7th - May 17th 2017. Lord willingthis will begin to equip us to learn the Spanish Langue to be able to have more of impact during our International Evangelistic Trips. We will continue to have a normal schedule as an evangelist right until January and will continue to have a normal schedule beginning June 2017. 



This is a huge step of faith for our family as we step away from revivals and other meetings to further sharpen our sword in the ministry of evangelism. We are encouraged by the support that has been given to us for those specific 5 months. It’s not difficult to figure out since we are without meetings that we are without our normal income, but the 12k that we are raising to sustain our family during that time, is coming in faster than we imagined. We stand about 6 months away from the start of language school and we are around 5k of the 12k needed, thats almost half way!


Our monthly ministry support goes towards our international travel expenses. When the Lord laid on our heart to raise support to do such a thing, I foresaw skepticism, but we have been encouraged by the embracing of the ministry of international evangelism. We stand at 74% of needed support to spend 3 months of our calendar year overseas. We want to go preach for missionaries overseas without them having to spend one penny on ANY of our expenses or needs, but rather leave them an offering or some financial token of our love and appreciation for them. We are amazingly close and thank God for that.


Currently we just finished a string of 4 consecutive revivals that were “dynamite” and now we are on the brink of summer full of VBS’s, Camps, and Youth Conferences. Thanks for all who pray and support and Lord willing you will continue to see your investment turn into eternal fruit.

Fall Update

Dear Praying Friends, 


We have had a very intense summer, but extremely rewarding! As far as we know, 103 teens, adults and kids have been saved! We’ve traveled to Tennessee, West Virginia, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, Missouri, Kansas,Georgia, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania. That’s over 7,000 miles!

We have had the privilege this summer to have a part in several VBS and Bible Camps. We had a special blessing at the VBS in Ohio. A little boy got saved the first night (Monday), then came back the next night, went forward again during the invitation, found the personal worker who had led him to the Lord, and asked, “Can you come and tell my two-year-old brother how to be saved, so he can go to heaven?” It was so sweet to see how he understood, and already had a burden on his heart for his little brother!

Also at this same VBS, a mom came because her kids kept begging her to come. She listened to the message, and got saved in the back after the invitation!

So we’ve definitely seen the Lord do some incredible things during the summer, as well as great decisions made by teens at camp, especially at Camp Peniel in Ohio.


We just finished a Missions Conference in Shrewsbury, PA, as well as revivals in Rhode Island and New York. What a blessing to see 9 teens saved during the Rhode Island Teen Extreme Youth Rally!

We flew out of Fayetteville, NC on the 5th headed to La Esperanza, Honduras, and will be flying back to the States on the 12th. While in Honduras I will be preaching revival services for Missionary Ronnie Doss. Please pray for Bro. Ronnie and his ministry in Honduras.

Please continue to pray for Jasmine. We found out her seizure was a febrile seizure and, thankfully, she hasn’t had a fever that high again. She is doing great, but please keep praying for her.


We have revivals scheduled in North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Ohio coming up, as well as chapel services at Ambassador Baptist College later in November.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we strive to serve the Lord.